• Implementing Evidence-Based Practices - presentation by Ann-Marie Louison, Director of Adult Behavioral Health Programs, at a national conference of JMHCP organizations, March 8-9, 2012 [ *.pdf ]
  • Moving Beyond Mental Health Courts: Introduction to the Range of Court-Based Initiatives - presentation by Ann-Marie Louison, Director of Adult Behavioral Health Programs, at a national conference of JMHCP organizations, March 8-9, 2012 [ *.pdf ]
  • The Mentally Ill Offender in the Criminal Justice System - presentation by Bradley Jacobs, Deputy Director of Adult Behavioral Health Programs, at an Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (APA) webinar, August 26, 2011 [ *.pdf ]
  • Nathaniel Assertive Community Treatment: New York County Alternative to Incarceration Program - presentation by Ann-Marie Louison, Director of Adult Behavioral Health Programs, at a roundtable discussion on forensic Assertive Community Treatment, May 13, 2011 [ *.pdf ]
  • CASES Testifies Before City Council Committee on Juvenile Justice - testimony by Steven Perez, Deputy Director of Strategic Planning and Analysis, at a hearing regarding the role of the New York City Department of Probation in the juvenile justice system, April 29, 2011 [ *.pdf ]
  • Moving Beyond Mental Health Courts: Introduction to the Range of Court-based Interventions - presentation by Ann-Marie Louison, Director of Mental Health Programs, at the National Training and Technical Assistance Conference, February 10, 2011 [ *.zip ]
  • Fidelity to Evidence-Based Practices in Urban and Rural Settings - presentation by Ann-Marie Louison, Director of Mental Health Programs, at the National Training and Technical Assistance Conference, February 10, 2011 [ *.pdf ]
  • CASES Testifies Before City Council Committee on Juvenile Justice - testimony by Steven Perez, Deputy Director of Strategic Planning and Analysis, at an oversight hearing examining whether or not the Bridges (Spofford) Juvenile Center should be closed, June 24, 2010 [ *.pdf ]
  • Testimony of New York City Alternative to Incarceration Programs - testimony by Joel Copperman, CASES' CEO/President, to the New York City Council Education Committee, March 24, 2010 [ *.pdf ]
  • Testimony of New York City Alternative to Incarceration Programs - testimony by Bradley Jacobs, CASES' Nathaniel ACT Team Leader, to the New York City Council Committee on Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Disability Services, March 11, 2010 [ *.pdf ]
  • American Youth Policy Forum - presentation by Joseph McLaughlin, Director of the Court Employment Project, Washington, D.C., November 20, 2006. [ *.pdf ] [ forum brief ]
  • "Testimony of New York City Alternative to Incarceration Programs" - testimony by Joel Copperman, CASES' CEO/President, to the Committee on Public Safety of the New York City Council, March 21, 2006. [ *.pdf ]
  • Testimony of Alternative to Incarceration Programs - testimony by Joel Copperman to the Fire and Criminal Justice Services Committee of the New York City Council, March 15, 2006. [ *.pdf ]
  • Fall 2005 Graduation Ceremony of the New York City Department of Juvenile Justice - keynote address by Joel Copperman, October 14, 2005. [ *.pdf ]
  • The New Asylums: Incarceration and Mental Illness - presentation by Ann-Marie Louison, Director of Mental Health Programs, at forum hosted by the Open Society Institute, September 16, 2005. Audio available at:
  • "Hearing on Discharge Planning and Community Re-Entry for the City's Jail Population" - testimony by Ann-Marie Louison to the New York City Council, May 3, 2004. [ *.pdf ]
  • "Thoughts on the Future of Parole" - presentation at the Vera Institute for Justice by former CASES board member, Jeremy Travis, May 22, 2002.
  • "Training on Mental Health Identification for Community Practitioners" - manual developed by CASES in collaboration with the New York State Department of Probation and Correctional Alternatives. [ *.pdf ]